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Lauritz Schorder

Zita uye zita rezita Lauritz Schorder. Zvinoreva zita rokutanga, mavambo, kuenderana kwezita uye zita rechiremera Lauritz Schorder. Zvose zvinowanikwa paIndaneti.

Lauritz zvinoreva zita

Zvinoreva zita rokutanga Lauritz. Zita rokutanga Lauritz rinorevei?


Lauritz tsime rezita rokutanga

Kubva kwezita rokutanga Lauritz.


Lauritz tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevanhurume varipo Lauritz.


Nicknamames for Lauritz

Lauritz mazita ekuderedza.


Lauritz mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei Lauritz rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


Lauritz kuwirirana nemazita

Lauritz zita rinoenderana nekuedzwa nemazita.


Lauritz kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Lauritz kuenderana kwekuedzwa pamwe nemamwe mazita okutanga.


Mazita anoenda ne Schorder

Mazita anozivikanwa uye asinganzwisisi ane zita rekuti Schorder.


Lauritz zvinoreva zita rakanaka: Unyanzvi, Kunyatsoteerera, Unofara, Lucky, Kunyanya. Tora Lauritz zvinoreva zita.

Lauritz tsime rezita rokutanga. Danish and Norwegian form of Laurentius (see Laurence). Tora Lauritz tsime rezita rokutanga.

Lauritz zita rokuti diminutives: Lasse. Tora Nicknamames for Lauritz.

Inonyanya kutaurwa ye Lauritz munyika dzakasiyana siyana nemitauro: Enzo, Labhrainn, Labhrás, Lari, Larkin, Larrie, Larry, Lars, Lárus, Lasse, Lassi, Lau, Lauren, Laurence, Laurens, Laurent, Laurențiu, Laurentius, Laurenz, Lauri, Laurie, Laurynas, Lavrenti, Lavrentios, Lavrentiy, Lavrenty, Law, Lawrence, Lawrie, Laz, Lenz, Llorenç, Lor, Loren, Lorencio, Lorens, Lorenz, Lorenzo, Lorin, Lőrinc, Loris, Lorrin, Lourenço, Lourens, Lovre, Lovrenc, Lovrenco, Lovro, Rens, Renzo, Vavrinec, Vavřinec, Wawrzyniec. Tora Lauritz mune dzimwe mitauro.

Mazita akawanda anozivikanwa ane zita rekutanga Schorder: Anjanette, Wilfred, Lauren, Rudolf, Antone. Tora Mazita anoenda ne Schorder.

Lauritz Schorder mazita akafanana uye mazita ekunyorera

Lauritz Schorder Lasse Schorder Enzo Schorder Labhrainn Schorder Labhrás Schorder Lari Schorder Larkin Schorder Larrie Schorder Larry Schorder Lars Schorder Lárus Schorder Lassi Schorder Lau Schorder Lauren Schorder Laurence Schorder Laurens Schorder Laurent Schorder Laurențiu Schorder Laurentius Schorder Laurenz Schorder Lauri Schorder Laurie Schorder Laurynas Schorder Lavrenti Schorder Lavrentios Schorder Lavrentiy Schorder Lavrenty Schorder Law Schorder Lawrence Schorder Lawrie Schorder Laz Schorder Lenz Schorder Llorenç Schorder Lor Schorder Loren Schorder Lorencio Schorder Lorens Schorder Lorenz Schorder Lorenzo Schorder Lorin Schorder Lőrinc Schorder Loris Schorder Lorrin Schorder Lourenço Schorder Lourens Schorder Lovre Schorder Lovrenc Schorder Lovrenco Schorder Lovro Schorder Rens Schorder Renzo Schorder Vavrinec Schorder Vavřinec Schorder Wawrzyniec Schorder