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Jane Booth

Zita uye zita rezita Jane Booth. Zvinoreva zita rokutanga, mavambo, kuenderana kwezita uye zita rechiremera Jane Booth. Zvose zvinowanikwa paIndaneti.

Jane Booth zvinoreva

Jane Booth inoreva: muchidimbu kuongorora kwezvinoreva zita Jane uye zita rezita Booth.


Jane zvinoreva zita

Zvinoreva zita rokutanga Jane. Zita rokutanga Jane rinorevei?


Booth zvinoreva zvezita rezita

Zita rezita rekuti Booth. Zita reti Booth rinorevei?


Kubatana kwe Jane uye Booth

Kubatana kwepazita Booth uye zita Jane.


Jane tsime rezita rokutanga

Kubva kwezita rokutanga Jane.


Booth yakabva

Kubva kwezita rechirongwa Booth.


Jane tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevanhurume varipo Jane.


Booth tsanangudzo

Iri zita mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta uye kushandurwa kwemutauro zvakasiyana nezita rekupedzisira Booth.


Nicknamames for Jane

Jane mazita ekuderedza.


Booth pazita rekuparadzira

Zita rekupedzisira Booth kuparadzira mepu.


Jane kuwirirana nemazita

Jane zita rinoenderana nekuedzwa nemazita.


Booth kuenderana nemazita

Booth muzita rekufananidzirwa kuedzwa nemazita.


Jane kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Jane kuenderana kwekuedzwa pamwe nemamwe mazita okutanga.


Booth kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Booth kuenderana kwekuedzwa nemamwe mazita.


Runyoro rwezita rine zita Jane

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa uye asingawanzo ane zita Jane.


Mazita anoenda ne Booth

Mazita anozivikanwa uye asinganzwisisi ane zita rekuti Booth.


How to pronounce Jane

Iwe unoti sei Jane munyika dzakasiyana nemitauro yakasiyana?


Jane mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei Jane rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


Jane zvinoreva zita rakanaka: Chakakomba, Mazuva ano, Lucky, Kupa, Haikwanisi. Tora Jane zvinoreva zita.

Booth zvakanakisisa zita rezita rinoreva: Kunyanya, Kusika, Kupa, Unofara, Kunyatsoteerera. Tora Booth zvinoreva zvezita rezita.

Jane tsime rezita rokutanga. Medieval English form of Jehanne, an Old French feminine form of Iohannes (see John). This became the most common feminine form of John in the 17th century, surpassing Joan Tora Jane tsime rezita rokutanga.

Booth yakabva. Topographic name derived from Middle English both meaning "hut, stall". Tora Booth yakabva.

Jane zita rokuti diminutives: Janae, Janeka, Janel, Janele, Janella, Janelle, Janet, Janetta, Janette, Janey, Janie, Janna, Jannette, Jan, Jaynie, Jeanie, Jeni, Jenna, Jenni, Jennie, Jenny, Netta. Tora Nicknamames for Jane.

Zita rekupedzisira Booth rinowanzoshandiswa Isle of Man, Nyuzirendi. Tora Booth pazita rekuparadzira.

Shanduro kana kuti kutumidza zita rekutanga Jane: JAYN. How to pronounce Jane.

Inonyanya kutaurwa ye Jane munyika dzakasiyana siyana nemitauro: Chevonne, Gianna, Giovanna, Ioana, Ioanna, Iohanna, Ivana, Jana, Janička, Janina, Janine, Janka, Janna, Janneke, Jannicke, Jannike, Jantine, Jantje, Jeanette, Jeanine, Jean, Jeanne, Jeannette, Jeannine, Jehanne, Jenna, Jenni, Jennie, Jenny, Jenný, Jessie, Joana, Joanna, Johana, Johanna, Johanne, Jone, Jóhanna, Jóna, Jovana, Juana, Lashawn, Seona, Seonag, Shan, Shavonne, Sheena, Sheona, Shevaun, Shevon, Shona, Siân, Siana, Siani, Sìne, Síne, Sinéad, Sìneag, Siobhán, Sioned, Siwan, Teasag, Xoana, Yana, Yanka, Yanna, Yoana, Zhanna, Zhannochka, Zsanett. Tora Jane mune dzimwe mitauro.

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa nezita Jane: Esperanueva, Smith, Mcginty, Clarke, Doe. Tora Runyoro rwezita rine zita Jane.

Mazita akawanda anozivikanwa ane zita rekutanga Booth: Amanda, Santos, Nathan, Karey, Lucila. Tora Mazita anoenda ne Booth.

Kubatana kwe Jane uye Booth is 76%. Tora Kubatana kwe Jane uye Booth.

Jane Booth mazita akafanana uye mazita ekunyorera

Jane Booth Janae Booth Janeka Booth Janel Booth Janele Booth Janella Booth Janelle Booth Janet Booth Janetta Booth Janette Booth Janey Booth Janie Booth Janna Booth Jannette Booth Jan Booth Jaynie Booth Jeanie Booth Jeni Booth Jenna Booth Jenni Booth Jennie Booth Jenny Booth Netta Booth Chevonne Booth Gianna Booth Giovanna Booth Ioana Booth Ioanna Booth Iohanna Booth Ivana Booth Jana Booth Janička Booth Janina Booth Janine Booth Janka Booth Janneke Booth Jannicke Booth Jannike Booth Jantine Booth Jantje Booth Jeanette Booth Jeanine Booth Jean Booth Jeanne Booth Jeannette Booth Jeannine Booth Jehanne Booth Jenný Booth Jessie Booth Joana Booth Joanna Booth Johana Booth Johanna Booth Johanne Booth Jone Booth Jóhanna Booth Jóna Booth Jovana Booth Juana Booth Lashawn Booth Seona Booth Seonag Booth Shan Booth Shavonne Booth Sheena Booth Sheona Booth Shevaun Booth Shevon Booth Shona Booth Siân Booth Siana Booth Siani Booth Sìne Booth Síne Booth Sinéad Booth Sìneag Booth Siobhán Booth Sioned Booth Siwan Booth Teasag Booth Xoana Booth Yana Booth Yanka Booth Yanna Booth Yoana Booth Zhanna Booth Zhannochka Booth Zsanett Booth