Ongorora  kana    Mutauro:

Ileana Gochee

Zita uye zita rezita Ileana Gochee. Zvinoreva zita rokutanga, mavambo, kuenderana kwezita uye zita rechiremera Ileana Gochee. Zvose zvinowanikwa paIndaneti.

Runyoro rwezita rine zita Ileana

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa uye asingawanzo ane zita Ileana.


Mazita anoenda ne Gochee

Mazita anozivikanwa uye asinganzwisisi ane zita rekuti Gochee.


Ileana zvinoreva zita

Zvinoreva zita rokutanga Ileana. Zita rokutanga Ileana rinorevei?


Ileana tsime rezita rokutanga

Kubva kwezita rokutanga Ileana.


Ileana tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevanhurume varipo Ileana.


Nicknamames for Ileana

Ileana mazita ekuderedza.


Ileana mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei Ileana rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


Ileana kuwirirana nemazita

Ileana zita rinoenderana nekuedzwa nemazita.


Ileana kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Ileana kuenderana kwekuedzwa pamwe nemamwe mazita okutanga.


Ileana zvinoreva zita rakanaka: Ushamwari, Chakakomba, Kusika, Kunyatsoteerera, Unofara. Tora Ileana zvinoreva zita.

Ileana tsime rezita rokutanga. Possibly a Romanian variant of Elena. In Romanian folklore this is the name of a princess kidnapped by monsters and rescued by a heroic knight. Tora Ileana tsime rezita rokutanga.

Ileana zita rokuti diminutives: Ilinca, Lenuța. Tora Nicknamames for Ileana.

Inonyanya kutaurwa ye Ileana munyika dzakasiyana siyana nemitauro: Alena, Alenka, Alyona, Elaina, Elaine, Elen, Elena, Elene, Eleni, Eli, Elīna, Eliina, Elin, Elina, Ella, Elle, Ellen, Ellie, Elly, Hélène, Helēna, Heléna, Heleen, Heleena, Heleentje, Helen, Helena, Helene, Heli, Hellen, Jela, Jelena, Jelka, Jeļena, Lainey, Laney, Léan, Leena, Lena, Lene, Leni, Lenka, Lesya, Nell, Nelle, Nellie, Nelly, Olena, Shelena, Yelena. Tora Ileana mune dzimwe mitauro.

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa nezita Ileana: Joachim, Peca, Spearing, Nolf, Strachota. Tora Runyoro rwezita rine zita Ileana.

Mazita akawanda anozivikanwa ane zita rekutanga Gochee: Ileana, Sterling. Tora Mazita anoenda ne Gochee.

Ileana Gochee mazita akafanana uye mazita ekunyorera

Ileana Gochee Ilinca Gochee Lenuța Gochee Alena Gochee Alenka Gochee Alyona Gochee Elaina Gochee Elaine Gochee Elen Gochee Elena Gochee Elene Gochee Eleni Gochee Eli Gochee Elīna Gochee Eliina Gochee Elin Gochee Elina Gochee Ella Gochee Elle Gochee Ellen Gochee Ellie Gochee Elly Gochee Hélène Gochee Helēna Gochee Heléna Gochee Heleen Gochee Heleena Gochee Heleentje Gochee Helen Gochee Helena Gochee Helene Gochee Heli Gochee Hellen Gochee Jela Gochee Jelena Gochee Jelka Gochee Jeļena Gochee Lainey Gochee Laney Gochee Léan Gochee Leena Gochee Lena Gochee Lene Gochee Leni Gochee Lenka Gochee Lesya Gochee Nell Gochee Nelle Gochee Nellie Gochee Nelly Gochee Olena Gochee Shelena Gochee Yelena Gochee