Ongorora  kana    Mutauro:

George Hyche

Zita uye zita rezita George Hyche. Zvinoreva zita rokutanga, mavambo, kuenderana kwezita uye zita rechiremera George Hyche. Zvose zvinowanikwa paIndaneti.

George Hyche zvinoreva

George Hyche inoreva: muchidimbu kuongorora kwezvinoreva zita George uye zita rezita Hyche.


George zvinoreva zita

Zvinoreva zita rokutanga George. Zita rokutanga George rinorevei?


Hyche zvinoreva zvezita rezita

Zita rezita rekuti Hyche. Zita reti Hyche rinorevei?


Kubatana kwe George uye Hyche

Kubatana kwepazita Hyche uye zita George.


George kuwirirana nemazita

George zita rinoenderana nekuedzwa nemazita.


Hyche kuenderana nemazita

Hyche muzita rekufananidzirwa kuedzwa nemazita.


George kuenderana nemamwe mazita

George kuenderana kwekuedzwa pamwe nemamwe mazita okutanga.


Hyche kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Hyche kuenderana kwekuedzwa nemamwe mazita.


Runyoro rwezita rine zita George

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa uye asingawanzo ane zita George.


Mazita anoenda ne Hyche

Mazita anozivikanwa uye asinganzwisisi ane zita rekuti Hyche.


George tsime rezita rokutanga

Kubva kwezita rokutanga George.


George tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevanhurume varipo George.


Nicknamames for George

George mazita ekuderedza.


How to pronounce George

Iwe unoti sei George munyika dzakasiyana nemitauro yakasiyana?


George mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei George rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


George zvinoreva zita rakanaka: Kunyanya, Ushamwari, Kunyatsoteerera, Kusika, Kupa. Tora George zvinoreva zita.

Hyche zvakanakisisa zita rezita rinoreva: Unofara, Lucky, Ushamwari, Haikwanisi, Kunyanya. Tora Hyche zvinoreva zvezita rezita.

George tsime rezita rokutanga. From the Greek name Γεωργιος (Georgios) which was derived from the Greek word γεωργος (georgos) meaning "farmer, earthworker", itself derived from the elements γη (ge) "earth" and εργον (ergon) "work" Tora George tsime rezita rokutanga.

George zita rokuti diminutives: Geordie, Georgie. Tora Nicknamames for George.

Shanduro kana kuti kutumidza zita rekutanga George: JORJ (muchiChirungu). How to pronounce George.

Inonyanya kutaurwa ye George munyika dzakasiyana siyana nemitauro: Deòrsa, Djordje, Djuradj, Djuro, Đorđe, Đurađ, Đuro, Geevarghese, Georg, Georges, Georgi, Georgijs, Georgios, Georgius, Georgiy, Georgo, Georgs, Georgy, Gevorg, Gino, Giorgi, Giorgino, Giorgio, Giorgos, Gjergj, Gjorgji, Goga, Gøran, Göran, Gorgi, Gorka, György, Gyuri, Iuri, Jerzy, Jiří, Jockel, Joeri, Jørg, Jørgen, Jöran, Jordi, Jörg, Jorge, Jörgen, Jorginho, Joris, Jørn, Jory, Juraj, Jure, Jurek, Jurgen, Jurgis, Jurian, Jurica, Jurij, Juris, Juro, Jurriaan, Jürgen, Jyri, Jyrki, Kevork, Ørjan, Örjan, Seoirse, Seòras, Siôr, Siors, Siorus, Sjors, Varghese, Xurxo, Yegor, Yiorgos, Yorgos, Yrian, Yrjänä, Yrjö, Yura, Yuri, Yuriy. Tora George mune dzimwe mitauro.

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa nezita George: Moore, Stoner, Smith, Rudar, Vrvilo. Tora Runyoro rwezita rine zita George.

Mazita akawanda anozivikanwa ane zita rekutanga Hyche: Terry, Maris, Melody, Dwain, Kasha. Tora Mazita anoenda ne Hyche.

Kubatana kwe George uye Hyche is 77%. Tora Kubatana kwe George uye Hyche.

George Hyche mazita akafanana uye mazita ekunyorera

George Hyche Geordie Hyche Georgie Hyche Deòrsa Hyche Djordje Hyche Djuradj Hyche Djuro Hyche Đorđe Hyche Đurađ Hyche Đuro Hyche Geevarghese Hyche Georg Hyche Georges Hyche Georgi Hyche Georgijs Hyche Georgios Hyche Georgius Hyche Georgiy Hyche Georgo Hyche Georgs Hyche Georgy Hyche Gevorg Hyche Gino Hyche Giorgi Hyche Giorgino Hyche Giorgio Hyche Giorgos Hyche Gjergj Hyche Gjorgji Hyche Goga Hyche Gøran Hyche Göran Hyche Gorgi Hyche Gorka Hyche György Hyche Gyuri Hyche Iuri Hyche Jerzy Hyche Jiří Hyche Jockel Hyche Joeri Hyche Jørg Hyche Jørgen Hyche Jöran Hyche Jordi Hyche Jörg Hyche Jorge Hyche Jörgen Hyche Jorginho Hyche Joris Hyche Jørn Hyche Jory Hyche Juraj Hyche Jure Hyche Jurek Hyche Jurgen Hyche Jurgis Hyche Jurian Hyche Jurica Hyche Jurij Hyche Juris Hyche Juro Hyche Jurriaan Hyche Jürgen Hyche Jyri Hyche Jyrki Hyche Kevork Hyche Ørjan Hyche Örjan Hyche Seoirse Hyche Seòras Hyche Siôr Hyche Siors Hyche Siorus Hyche Sjors Hyche Varghese Hyche Xurxo Hyche Yegor Hyche Yiorgos Hyche Yorgos Hyche Yrian Hyche Yrjänä Hyche Yrjö Hyche Yura Hyche Yuri Hyche Yuriy Hyche