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Charles tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Charles tsanangudzo yezita: iri zita mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emitauro, mazita emadzimai uye varume vari zita rekutanga Charles.

Tsanangura Charles

From the Germanic name Karl, which was derived from a Germanic word meaning "man". However, an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element hari meaning "army, warrior".

The popularity of the name in continental Europe was due to the fame of Charles the Great (742-814), commonly known as Charlemagne, a king of the Franks who came to rule over most of Europe. His grandfather Charles Martel had also been a noted leader of the Franks. It was subsequently the name of several Holy Roman Emperors, as well as kings of France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Hungary (in various spellings). After Charlemagne, his name was adopted as a word meaning "king" in many Eastern European languages, for example Czech král, Hungarian király, Russian король (korol), and Turkish kral.

The name did not become common in Britain until the 17th century when it was borne by the Stuart king Charles I. It had been introduced into the Stuart royal family by Mary Queen of Scots, who had been raised in France.

Famous bearers of the name include naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) who revolutionized biology with his theory of evolution, novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870) who wrote such works as 'Great Expectations' and 'A Tale of Two Cities', French statesman Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), and American cartoonist Charles Schulz (1922-2000), the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.

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Hungu, zita Charles rine varumekadzi.

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Zita Charles ine mazita evanhukadzi. Vakadzi mazita sezita Charles:

Zita rokutanga Charles rinobva kupi?

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Zvimwe nezita rekutanga Charles

Charles zvinoreva zita

Chii chinonzi Charles chinorevei? Zita rezita Charles.


Charles kubva kune zita rekutanga

Zita rokuti Charles rakabva kupi? Kubva kwezita rokutanga Charles.


Charles tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune mamwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevakadzi vari zita rekutanga Charles.


Nicknamames for Charles

Charles mazita ekuderedza. Mazita ekutumidza zita rokutanga Charles.


Charles mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei Charles rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


How to pronounce Charles

Iwe unoti sei Charles? Nzira dzakasiyana dzekutaura Charles. Kutumidzwa kwe Charles


Charles kuwirirana nemazita

Charles kuenderana kwekuedzwa nemazita.


Charles kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Charles kuenderana kwekuedzwa nemamwe mazita.


Tsamba yemazita ane zita Charles

Tsamba yemazita ane zita Charles