Ongorora  kana    Mutauro:

Andrey Brotemarkle

Zita uye zita rezita Andrey Brotemarkle. Zvinoreva zita rokutanga, mavambo, kuenderana kwezita uye zita rechiremera Andrey Brotemarkle. Zvose zvinowanikwa paIndaneti.

Runyoro rwezita rine zita Andrey

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa uye asingawanzo ane zita Andrey.


Mazita anoenda ne Brotemarkle

Mazita anozivikanwa uye asinganzwisisi ane zita rekuti Brotemarkle.


Andrey zvinoreva zita

Zvinoreva zita rokutanga Andrey. Zita rokutanga Andrey rinorevei?


Andrey tsime rezita rokutanga

Kubva kwezita rokutanga Andrey.


Andrey tsanangudzo yezita rekutanga

Iri zita rekutanga mune dzimwe mimwe mitauro, kupereta nemataurirwo emutauro, mazita evanhukadzi nevanhurume varipo Andrey.


How to pronounce Andrey

Iwe unoti sei Andrey munyika dzakasiyana nemitauro yakasiyana?


Andrey mune dzimwe mitauro

Dzidza kuti zita rekutanga sei Andrey rinofananidza nezita rokutanga mune rimwe mutauro mune imwe nyika.


Andrey kuwirirana nemazita

Andrey zita rinoenderana nekuedzwa nemazita.


Andrey kuenderana nemamwe mazita

Andrey kuenderana kwekuedzwa pamwe nemamwe mazita okutanga.


Andrey zvinoreva zita rakanaka: Chakakomba, Kusika, Unofara, Unyanzvi, Kunyatsoteerera. Tora Andrey zvinoreva zita.

Andrey tsime rezita rokutanga. Russian and Bulgarian form of Andrew. Tora Andrey tsime rezita rokutanga.

Shanduro kana kuti kutumidza zita rekutanga Andrey: ahn-DRYAY (muchiRussia). How to pronounce Andrey.

Inonyanya kutaurwa ye Andrey munyika dzakasiyana siyana nemitauro: Aindrea, Aindréas, Aindriú, Anaru, Ándaras, Ander, Anders, Andie, Andor, András, Andras, Andraž, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, André, Andrés, Andrei, Andrej, Andreja, Andrejs, Andres, Andreu, Andrew, Andria, Andries, Andrija, Andris, Andrius, Andriy, Andro, Andrus, Andrzej, Andy, Antero, Antti, Atte, Bandi, Dand, Deandre, Drew, Endre, Jędrzej, Ondrej, Ondřej, Tero. Tora Andrey mune dzimwe mitauro.

Mazita akawanda anowanzozivikanwa nezita Andrey: Aleshechkin, Churlyaev, Arfin, Stankevich, Kakhtur. Tora Runyoro rwezita rine zita Andrey.

Mazita akawanda anozivikanwa ane zita rekutanga Brotemarkle: Josh, German, Janie, Jamison, Andres, Andrés, Germán. Tora Mazita anoenda ne Brotemarkle.

Andrey Brotemarkle mazita akafanana uye mazita ekunyorera

Andrey Brotemarkle Aindrea Brotemarkle Aindréas Brotemarkle Aindriú Brotemarkle Anaru Brotemarkle Ándaras Brotemarkle Ander Brotemarkle Anders Brotemarkle Andie Brotemarkle Andor Brotemarkle András Brotemarkle Andras Brotemarkle Andraž Brotemarkle Andre Brotemarkle Andrea Brotemarkle Andreas Brotemarkle André Brotemarkle Andrés Brotemarkle Andrei Brotemarkle Andrej Brotemarkle Andreja Brotemarkle Andrejs Brotemarkle Andres Brotemarkle Andreu Brotemarkle Andrew Brotemarkle Andria Brotemarkle Andries Brotemarkle Andrija Brotemarkle Andris Brotemarkle Andrius Brotemarkle Andriy Brotemarkle Andro Brotemarkle Andrus Brotemarkle Andrzej Brotemarkle Andy Brotemarkle Antero Brotemarkle Antti Brotemarkle Atte Brotemarkle Bandi Brotemarkle Dand Brotemarkle Deandre Brotemarkle Drew Brotemarkle Endre Brotemarkle Jędrzej Brotemarkle Ondrej Brotemarkle Ondřej Brotemarkle Tero Brotemarkle